How Food and Fitness Go Hand-In-Hand

How Food and Fitness Go Hand-In-Hand

Often people expect to lose weight by dieting or exercise alone. While it might be possible to shed a few pounds, a unilateral approach makes it difficult to reach your goals. When it comes to long-term results, food and fitness go hand-in-hand. Discover a few simple ways to make this work for you without turning your life upside down or disrupting your busy schedule.


Exercise in the Morning


As the day goes by, people get more tired and find excuses to skip working out. Start your day the right way by exercising in the morning. Have a glass of water and hop on the treadmill to include fitness in your day before you even reach for breakfast. The Precor 445 has a Ground Effects Impact Control System for a safer workout that cushions the joints. With 23 present and 16 personalized workouts, there is always a way to keep your exercise routine interesting. Plus, burning calories in the morning helps boost your metabolism and energy level throughout the day. This means you are burning more calories and have added energy to exercise later in the day.


Healthy Breakfast


After your morning workout, you are sure to feel hungry. Many researchers have found people shed more pounds by eating heartier in the morning than later in the evening. The common sense rationale behind this is you are able to burn the calories you eat early in the day throughout the rest of the day. If you eat right before bed, you are going to sleep and burning fewer calories. Choose a healthy, well-balanced breakfast rather than donuts or buttered bagels and rolls. Eggs whites with vegetables, a piece of fruit and a bowl of oatmeal or some whole grain toast are a great start to your day without unnecessary fat and calories.


Keep It Going Throughout the Day


Once you start the day in a positive way, it becomes easier to make healthy choices. Most people want to continue making good decisions to support the efforts they made in the morning. Eat a healthy lunch and try to skip fast food restaurants and pizza parlors. Take a 10-minute walk during your midday break. When you get home, plan a well-balanced dinner and take a walk after your meal. Consider coupling food and fitness throughout the day to ensure you eat regular meals and get plenty of exercise. This mindset can help people lose weight, improve their overall health and stay motivated because it is easy to follow.


Eating the right foods supports your exercise regime. When you choose energizing, low-fat foods, it helps fuel your workouts. Food and fitness go hand-in-hand. Your goals are to provide your body with the energy it needs and keep moving throughout the day. The routine is simple, requires no additional effort and can fit into the most hectic schedules. Having a treadmill at home ensures you can take a brisk walk anytime, even during inclement weather.