10 Exercises that You Can Do at Home
This entry was posted on March 22, 2018
.You may have the motivation to jumpstart your fitness session, but time doesn’t seem to allow you to do so. Busy schedules and even the issue of gym membership cost bog down on us, making it seem impossible to exercise.
Some people have explored various options on how to sneak an exercise regimen into their schedule by working out at home. You don’t need any equipment to start your journey towards a toned muscle. All you need is enough space to serve as your mini gym, furniture and other items in your house, and you’re good to go.
If you have an equipment already, use it to start doing less demanding exercises, especially if you’re a beginner. They will also boost your workout and provide more advantage in terms of building muscle.
Ready for some home exercise action? Here are ten exercises you can do at home.
1. Press Up
This exercise targets your muscle groups and strengthens your shoulder joints. It also preps you for more challenging shoulder exercises such as the incline bench press.
2. Dumbbell Squat
This workout may require a set of weights for an enhanced strength. Squats are ideal exercises to build overall strength and dumbbells let you focus on your movement at a low weight.
3. Plank
All you need is a mat or just a floor of your home and you’re ready to tackle this one. Planking is one of the most effective exercises for targeting belly fat; it works your core and strengthens your back, too. If you’re a beginner in this area, try to start with 10-15 second planks and gradually work your way up to 30 seconds.
4. Bench Dips
You can practically use any low furniture for this one such as a chair, couch or coffee table. Bench dips tone your arms, chest, and shoulders giving you a leeway to tackle more advanced exercises.
5. Crunches
Start with the basic crunch if you’re aiming for a less bulgy tummy. Lifting your legs in the process places extra weight on the stomach muscles; you have more advantage if you incorporate this in your crunches rather than settling your feet on the same spot.
6. Shadow Boxing
Channel your inner boxer with this exercise that can help utilize your overall workout seeing it benefits your legs and arms. For an ultimate cardio workout, jog between low and high-intensity punching. Bonus points if you have a punching bag handy.
7. Step-Ups
This simple yet effective exercise target glutes and hamstrings for leaner and stronger legs. You can do this workout on a bench, low stool or low platform.
8. Shoulder Stand
Try this for a more advanced workout. This yoga move has both physical and mental benefits and happens to be great for reducing the appearance of cellulite. You can do this in a maximum of 5 minutes or opt for 1 minute if you’re starting out.
9. Single-Leg Deadlift
Known to help with back pain, this one lifts and tones glutes and activates your whole core. It’s a simple exercise that you can do while watching your favorite show on television.
10. Deadbug
Hovering your heels and extending your legs not only work on your abs but stabilize your core as well. Your muscle groups will definitely thank you for this no-equipment workout.
Upgrading Your Home Workout
If you feel the need to buy fitness equipment to fully experience the benefits of exercises, Fitness Expo is the way to go. Our store offers a wide range of home fitness equipment from elliptical machines to free weights, all supplied by top gym equipment manufacturers in the country such as Precor, Hoist, and Lemond.
We have available stores around Louisiana with locations in Metairie, Shreveport, Kenner, Baton Rouge, and Jackson in the Mississippi area. Come drop by our stores and feel free to try out our machines.
You will not be too busy to exercise anymore; you can actually achieve a great body and health in the confines of your home, coupled with determination and effort. Good luck!