Cardio Done Right with Fitness Expo
This entry was posted on November 15, 2015
.Running, walking, and biking are all great cardio exercises. Healthy cardiovascular activity is anything that gets your heart into the “red zone.” Cardio activity is not only great for weight loss and calorie burning, but it is also great for staying healthy in general.
Whether you walk, run, or ride a bike, the key to staying healthy is keeping active. Fitness Expo can help with their high end fitness equipment and knowledgeable fitness experts. Do you want to know the difference between the functions of each machine? Let our fitness experts help you navigate the big, wide world that is our high quality fitness equipment.
Are you looking for a machine that will allow you to go from walking to running and back again just by changing the speed or intensity of your workout? Then a treadmill might be a good fit. A treadmill offers plenty of versatility when it comes to cardio exercise. You can do anything from a brisk walk to a full-on marathon sprint on a treadmill. A treadmill offers a variety of customizable options for you workout including speed, incline and timing. It will also display your stats: how far you ran or walked, in what amount of time you did, and also the estimated number of calories you burned during any given exercise.
The elliptical offers you just about everything a treadmill does, but you are constantly running, rather than walking. You don’t carry your own weight, and by doing that you are capable to make continuous running motions no matter what your speed is. And with a Precor machine, you can set your stride length for a more precise personal fit to help improve your very specific workout needs.
For a combination of climbing, running, and riding a bike, the seated elliptical is an excellent machine. It has all the functionality of the standard elliptical with the added bonus of you being in a seated position, giving you more of a full body cardio workout. Our fitness experts can demonstrate how each machine works and can help you choose which option would be best to fit all your cardiovascular needs.
Fitness Expo is a convenient place to shop for the best quality equipment and the most knowledgeable staff. Be sure to visit one of our many locations in Louisiana, including Baton Rouge, Shreveport, Kenner, or our Jackson, MS store, for a personalized experience with the very best fitness experts that will answer all your questions and help you find the right machine for your specific needs.
With our expertly trained staff, we can help you find the right equipment to give you the ultimate cardio workout that will not only help you achieve your personal fitness goals, but also provide a safe and healthy way to exercise.