Exercising Throughout All the Phases of Your Life

Exercising Throughout All the Phases of Your Life

People of all ages need exercise to burn calories, build muscle and improve their overall health. The amount and time you exercise are based on your age, fitness level and current health condition. It is always wise to consult with a doctor before you embark on a fitness routine. Consider the importance of exercise throughout all the phases of your life and how much exercise is typically required for good health.


Start Young


Teaching children the benefits of daily exercise helps them set up a healthy habit for a lifetime. Kids between the ages of 6 and 17 should move around for an hour or more each day. Outdoor games, sports, running and sit-ups are ideal exercises for this age group. Young people 14 and older can be taught how to safely use certain fitness equipment, such as a treadmill, to mix up their exercise routines. Teens should never use weights without the approval of a physician.


The Middle of Our Lives


From the ages of 18 to 64, it gets harder to fit exercise into your day. Responsibilities such as work, college, family and more take up a lot of time. For this reason, it is important to know how much to exercise and find a routine that works for you. People in this age category should try to get at least two hours of aerobic activity into their routine each week and workout their major muscle groups at least twice weekly. Aerobic exercise can include walking, running, tennis and biking. Strength training can include weight lifting and resistance bands. People can also do sit-ups and push-ups to build strength.


Staying Active as a Senior


Once is person reaches the age of 64, they often start to slow down. It is essential to fit exercise into each day. It can be as little as 10 minutes daily, to slowly build strength and stamina. Over time, seniors can workout a bit longer and harder, as they feel ready, and with a doctor’s permission. Exercising can reduce the risk of health conditions, such as cardiovascular disease, and minimize the risk of falls. It also can lower blood pressure and help maintain bone and joint health.


Exercising Throughout Your Life


Having a home gym makes is easier to fit exercise into all the phases of your life. A well-equipped home gym can be used by everyone from teens to seniors. This should include a machine for aerobics and a machine devoted to strength training. A treadmill is a universal way to exercise that is ideal for all fitness levels. The Life Fitness F1 is a compact, durable and innovative treadmill with features for everyone in the family. The Life Fitness G2 is a compact home gym that provides biomechanically correct strength training.


You are never too young or too old to think about fitness and include exercise into your daily schedule. The more you exercise, the better you’ll feel. Exercise is great for your physical, mental and emotional well-being. Exercise together as a family to encourage each other to keep moving and stay fit.