Health Benefits of Walking for Seniors

No matter the age, as a senior citizen, walking still holds worthwhile benefits for you. Some older people believe that starting an exercise programme this late in life might do them no good, or even more harm but this is a wrong impression to have.

Constant physical activity and exercise improve the physical and mental health of people of all ages, including seniors. There are multiple long-term benefits to be had from regular exercise and staying physically active.

A short, brisk walk daily on a walking track, in your neighbourhood or on a treadmill goes a long way to help you live a long and healthy life.

What are the Effects of Walking on Health?

When walking is a part of your fitness regimen, certain health problems can be reduced or totally resolved. Walking helps to alleviate pains caused by heart problems, joint pain, blood pressure, diabetes, loss of strength in muscles and obesity.

As an exercise, walking is stress-free and risk-free. Walking at a slow and steady pace helps you avoid injuries and creates an enjoyable environment that you would look forward to your next opportunity to walk. Regular walking creates better management of one’s lifestyle and reduces the over-dependence on medicines and machines.

How can Seniors Benefit from Walking?

  1. Weight Loss
  2. Joint Support
  3. Improved Circulation
  4. Sleep Improvement
  5. Mental Sharpness is Increased
  6. Increased Balance and Stability
  7. Walking Makes You Happier
  8. Walking Strengthens Muscles
  9. Walking Can Stop Bone Mass Loss
  10. Walking Increases Lifespan

The challenges associated with starting a new exercise program are not unique to seniors alone. At the initial stage, it is tough to adapt to the almost any new regimen. But the results gotten, both long term and short term, are well worth the initial discomfort.

To begin, take short 10 minute walks and gradually increase the time as you build up stamina. The ideal target to reach is at least 150 minutes of walking per week.

Exercise Equipment is a Good Investment

Sometimes, when the weather might not be comfortable for walking outdoors, you can still enjoy a good exercise by walking on a treadmill indoors. Investing in a good treadmill like the Matrix TF50 XR Simple Treadmill will ensure that you do not miss out on chances to improve your health even when you are cooped up inside.

Walking on the treadmill very closely mimics walking outdoors also, so you are getting the same workout in the comfort of your own home. In addition, the treadmill helps in building bone density, which is an important factor for senior women fighting osteoporosis.

An elliptical machine is also a great investment to provide indoor walking exercises. It offers a lower impact workout than the treadmill and is the better option for older adults who suffer from joint pain and arthritis.

Elliptical machines work in a forward and backward motion, enabling different muscle groups to be targeted. If you are interested in improving your fitness with an elliptical machine, we suggest the Life Fitness E3 Elliptical Cross Trainer for a hugely beneficial exercise.

Walk your Way to Fitness and Boundless Energy

To seniors, walking may not seem as helpful as major cardiovascular exercises such as biking, swimming or running. Rest assured however, that you are getting quite a lot of health benefits through regular walking exercises.

There are additional benefits to walking for older adults. Walking outside of the house will provide the opportunity to bask in warm sunshine, fresh air and enjoy a rejuvenating natural environment.

You will make new friends, probably seniors like you who are out walking as well, chat with neighbours, engage in nature watching, see children playing and engage in other activities. It also breaks monotony because no two experiences will be completely alike when you step out of your house.

Enjoy a Clear Mind and Free Spirit

A mind free of worries and the feeling of having freedom from certain responsibilities are part of the blessings of growing old and must be thoroughly enjoyed. Studies show that a brisk walk increases a person’s positivity in outlook and actions.

This is because enjoyable physical activity causes endorphins to be released in the brain, hormones which generate a sense of well-being. So there is more optimism and cheerfulness in aged folks who are active, regular walkers.

The beauty of walking as an exercise is that it simply requires a sturdy pair of shoes and a desire to remain fit as you grow older. So take advantage of walking in order to enjoy the many health benefits that follow.