How to Exercise in the Spring to Get Fit Before the Summer

How to Exercise in the Spring to Get Fit Before the Summer

When the first day of spring arrives, the realization hits that summer is a mere three months away. If your New Year’s resolutions have fallen by the wayside, the beginning of spring gives you a fresh start on getting slimmer for the baring clothes of summer. Spring into action now and your fitness goals could be achieved by summer. Maximize this time to help you feel more confident in shorts and tank tops by the end of May.


It’s Time to Be Specific


Setting general goals just isn’t good enough when you have three months left to make a noticeable change in your body. Make sure your goals are a specific as possible. If you are dedicated to losing 1 pounds a week, write it down. State that you will exercise for at least 30 minutes each day. Keep a food journal to keep track of what you eat. Are you really eating more fruit and vegetables? Have you eliminated junk food from your regular diet? Reviewing your journal at the end of every week will give you the truth about your behavior so you can make changes immediately. Add the number of glasses of water you drink each day to your journal. Try to drink eight glasses of water each day to feel feel and help fuel your body for exercise. Add fresh lemon slices to make is more refreshing and energizing.


Establish a Schedule


Once you clearly define your goals, it’s time to establish a daily schedule. While there are sure to be disruptions, make sure you find time to fit everything into your day at some point. This should include a healthy breakfast, lunch, and dinner as well as workout time. If you are in a rush, swap out a smoothie on-the-go for a meal. When your time is limited, workout in interval of ten or fifteen minutes rather than a full half hour. This can be as simple as getting on the Horizon T101-04 treadmill for a few minutes. As a winner of the Treadmill Doctor Best Buy Award, this treadmill has a three-zone cushioning system to be easy on your body while delivering outstanding results. Plus, it is easy to store when it is not in use.


Workout Your Entire Body


If you are displeased with a certain area of your body, it can be tempting to focus on that one section to get ready for your summer wardrobe. But the key to success is to workout your entire body and reduce your fat. Make sure to include stretching and weight or resistance training in your daily routine along with aerobics. Get some free weights to help you build muscle and burn fat. Try a seated elliptical to get an overall body workout. The xR6000 xRide recumbent elliptical is comfortable yet highly effective with exclusive PowerStroke technology. For example, you can use 343 percent more glutes on the xR6000. Plus, you can burn 23 percent more calories! This is a great way to shed pounds and get trim all over.