Metairie Fitness: Is Life Fitness Elliptical A Good Brand?
This entry was posted on April 20, 2019
.When looking for fitness equipment like an elliptical machine in Metairie, brands might not be familiar to you. There’s not exactly a lot of advertisement and commercials on television and radio for products like these and seems like word of mouth is the only way to learn about something. Either that or paying a gym membership just to get to try something and even then, you aren’t guaranteed to have access to all that’s out there.
Hopefully, we can help shed a little light on one brand in particular and provide a little information about Life Fitness elliptical machines, one of the premier manufacturers of ellipticals.
Quality of Build
One of the most important aspects of evaluating any kind of heavy machinery, whether it’s fitness equipment or not, is whether it stands up to the use expected of it. If a car’s wheels are going to fall off after 1000 miles, it might not be a good car to get for daily 50 mile commutes.
With this kind of quality you’re looking for in a build of an elliptical machine by Life Fitness, we can assure you that after thirty years of being in the business of selling exercise equipment, they’re one of the best manufacturers out there.
Their clients include gyms which see tons of patrons that keep their equipment in literal 24-hour use, 7 days a week. If you’re looking for an addition to your home gym, you couldn’t ask for anything more reliable than something that can stand up to that kind of daily punishment.
After all, we have all seen people misuse public type equipment either from ignorance or simple malcontent for whatever situation a person finds themselves in with it and exercise equipment has the extra added toughness requirement of mechanical durability even when used correctly.
In Metairie, you’d be hard pressed to find anything better than a Life Fitness elliptical.
Warranty Coverage
If we’re going to continue with the car analogy to heavy use equipment, one thing that makes every purchase worthwhile is knowing that you will have good backing by either the manufacturer or the seller in case of the rare occasion that something happens and your purchase takes a dive.
Sometimes, random events due to minor mishandling through the shipping process can occur, which isn’t even expected in normal use and can lead to an unfortunate breaking of the equipment.
If you don’t have a warranty, you’re kind of just left to hang out to dry; either you ditch the purchase altogether or you figure out how to get it repaired, which costs time, and then pay to actually have it repaired, leading to monetary costs.
For some repairs, it may even require purchasing the parts used. Life Fitness elliptical machines sold by Fitness Expo Stores offer extremely generous manufacturer warranties. For gyms, especially, they offer specialized warranties which include servicing the equipment with preventive maintenance.
For repair, they offer not only light warranties with parts replacement discounts but even full free parts replacements for extended three, four and five-year warranties. This includes labor, travel, and more. You can be sure you’re getting top-notch warranty and service with their machines like the Life Fitness E1 Elliptical Cross Trainer.
Remote Machine Health Monitoring
One of the most innovative new features that technology has brought us is the ability to monitor machine health remotely. With warranties come the ability for Life Fitness elliptical machines too, through your local wifi connection, monitor how much usage the machine has gotten as well as other mechanical health data which can let the company know when it’s nearing time for preventive maintenance earlier than a normally scheduled visit if you have the warranty.
This means that if your Life Fitness X3 Elliptical Cross Trainer got more than normal use over time, it will let Life Fitness know that it’s ready for maintenance earlier than anticipated. This ensures that whether you’re using it from home or the gym that it’ll be taken care of as often as necessary so you don’t lose either customers or a day of exercise.
If you’d like to check out any of Life Fitness elliptical machines in person, feel free to swing by the Fitness Expo Stores in Metairie or, if you’re interested in the warranty options offered for any of their products, you can call our product experts and have all of your concerns answered.