Muscle Gain Myths vs Facts
This entry was posted on October 11, 2018
.Are you build lean muscle and get jacked? Perhaps are want to lean and tone up.
No matter what your muscle gain goals are, you no doubt have run into a myriad of contradictory information from “bro-scientists” across the internet. You know, the jacked up “bros” that are always telling you what you need to do to get jacked.
Well, we’re here to dispel muscle gain myths and separate fact from fiction. Read on to uncover the top muscle gaining myths Shreveport residents run into when trying to stack on lean muscle.
Myth #1: Train each muscle group once a week
Look at it this way: if your goal is to grow a specific muscle, would you think it’s more beneficial to “stimulate” that muscle 52 times per year (once a week), or 104 times over the course of the year?
Exactly. Seems like a no-brainer right.
Despite the obvious, many gym-goers are still opting to train each muscle once every 5-7 days. You often see this with traditional “splits” where each day of the week is devoted to a specific muscle group like back, legs, or biceps and delts.
If you’re currently on some form of a “once per week” regimen for your muscle groups, consider starting with a split working out that same muscle group twice a week with a two day break period in-between.
As you progress, manage the increase in volume (reps x weight) to add continual stimuli and spur further muscle gains.
Myth #3: warming up isn’t necessary and can make you tired for future sets
FALSE. Warming up prepares your muscles for the vigorous movements and high stress they are about to undergo. In fact, failing to properly warm up (at least 10-15 minutes) prior to heavy weight lifting sessions can increase the likelihood of injuries.
Incorporate a short warmup of active stretching, callisthenics, treadmill or elliptical work prior to getting into your sets.
Suggestion: Shreveport elliptical exercise machine that will kick your warmups into high gear check out the Octane XT-ONE Standard Elliptical
Myth #4: you MUST train every…single…day
Just like how too little stimuli can hinder growth, so can too much. Training every day leaves little time for one of the most important aspects of muscle gain: recovery time.
You stress and break down muscle during your gym sessions, but it is during your recovery periods that your muscle actually “grow”.
Stick to a 3-4 times per week regimen that allows ample time for both increased muscle stimuli as well as recovery between sessions.
Myth #5: switch up your workout weekly so your muscles don’t adapt
With thousands of exercise programs and regimens literally a mouse click away it’s often hard for individuals to stay focused on a single program long enough for it to work.
Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither will your bulging biceps or perky pecs.
You should, at a minimum, stick with each program for 4-6 weeks or up until progress stalls and you see little change despite increases in workload and volume.
After this point, you may reach a plateau at which it may indeed be beneficial to “mix things up” with a variation in the program or simply switching between machines and free weights.
Looking for multi-purpose Shreveport exercise equipment that will keep your exercise routines fresh and varied? Check out the Inspire Fitness Ft1 Functional Trainer
Myth #6: you should replicate the workouts of your favorite athletes or bodybuilders…after all, they know best right?
Look, unless you are a professional athlete or a fitness enthusiast with years of experience under your belt, following the workouts of elite professionals is usually not the best idea.
These programs tend to be advanced and without proper form, discipline, nutrition and recovery periods, may lead to more harm than good.
Stick to basic, time-tested programs designed for every-day individuals. You’ll safely amass muscle gains while building up your body’s tolerance for higher impact and more advanced programs you can delve into later on when you’ve stalled out on gains.
Myth #7: Avoid “isolation” exercises and stick to compound lifts for the best gains
We love compound lifts as much as the next meathead, and they do provide a solid foundation upon which you can build your frame and stack on muscle.
But that doesn’t mean isolation exercises should be nixed from your program. In fact, isolation exercises can be great to help you bring “lagging” muscle groups up to speed and spur stubborn growth. Isolation exercises can also help you spur growth for particular muscle groups that you want to show off.
Simple, add in a few sets of isolation exercises for those muscle groups that are slow growers or for those which you want to see more progress on.
In search of Shreveport exercise equipment to hit all your isolation exercise needs? Take a look at the Inspire Fitness M2 Multi Gym
Myth #8: if you want to grow muscle fast, always train to failure
We’ve all heard it before: “the last few reps is where real muscle growth happens”
And while training to failure has its place to push past plateaus, it’s not generally a strategy that should be employed on the regular….and certainly not on every set.
In fact, training to failure on early sets means you won’t have enough in the tank to finish your full range of sets, leading to less volume (reps x weight) and potentially LESS growth.
Use training to failure sparingly when you need to push past stagnant growth, or for the last set in your routine.
Myth #9: Eating more protein will result in MORE gains
This one is not entirely untrue, in fact, quite the opposite is true. BUT, there is a limit.
Protein consumption does activate something called mTOR a key muscle building stimulus for protein synthesis. However, you don’t need excessive protein intake to make this happen.
For those working out hard, it is recommended that you consume around 0.9 – 1.25 grams of protein per pound of body weight. Any amount beyond those limits is stored as fat or excreted by the body as waste products in the bathroom.
Make sure you are getting between 0.9 – 1.25 grams of protein per pound of body weight per day into your diet from natural sources or from supplemental protein shakes. Consider a post workout shake or meal for best results.
Closing Thoughts: skip the hype and grow
When it comes to making gains in the gym, it isn’t rocket science. But with all the advice and shiny objects it’s easy to get off track.
Stick to time-tested, scientifically proven ways to increase muscle mass safely and quickly and you’ll already be miles ahead of the competition.
And if you’re looking for top quality exercise equipment in Shreveport, you can’t go wrong with Fitness Expo Stores.