Treadmill or Elliptical? Which One is Best for Home Gyms?
This entry was posted on May 27, 2020
Cardio is, without a doubt, the best way to cut down fat.
If you are looking at investing in a home gym, you will come across treadmills and ellipticals, some of the most common cardio machines.
However, even though they are similar, they target varying muscle groups and will give varying results.
By knowing which part of your body these machines work one, you’ll be in a better position to make a decision, and this will help aid weight loss, burn that undesired fat, strengthen your core, muscle tone and also reduce injuries.
In this guide, we are going to take a closer look at both machines, what they have to offer and which one gives the best results when it comes to burning fat or weight loss.
Working Out on a Treadmill
A treadmill, just like the name suggests, is a machine with a conveyor belt that allows you to run, jog, or walk-in place.
In most, if not all treadmills, you can adjust the incline, speed, track your pace or distance, and even program interval training.
What Parts Does the Treadmill Target?
Whether you are walking, jogging, or running, this device primarily targets the lower body.
Sprinting can be quite effective in tightening up the core as well. With a treadmill, expect a good burn in your abs, quads, hamstrings, calves, and glutes.
Treadmill: Pros
- Excellent for race training when the weather outside is not conducive.
- Strengthens the lower body and the core
- You can program HIIT workouts with a treadmill
- Ideal for weight loss
- Can help improve the speed
- Can be utilized to train on an incline
Treadmill: Cons
- Not the best machine for perfecting your running gait
- Not ideal for people healing from joint injuries.
When Should You Use the Treadmill?
This is an excellent home gym addition for avid runners or racers who cannot take training outside due to poor weather conditions.
Since treadmills are quite advanced these days, you can precisely track mileage, set your goals, and monitor your pace.
It’s also an excellent machine for HIIT workouts if you despise hour-long runs.
Working Out in an Elliptical
This is a cardio machine that looks as if it was designed for cross country skiing.
That’s because it features two-foot holders and to handles that resemble poles.
However, the locomotion on this device is quite different.
Your arms pump the elliptical machine’s handles back and forth, the feet go in cycles, in the form of an ellipse.
You can go forward or backward on the elliptical, and can also increase the resistance in order to force muscles to work harder. However, unlike its counterpart, it’s rare for ellipticals to feature incline adjustment.
What Parts Does The Elliptical Target?
This device usually targets glutes, hamstrings, quads, and most of your lower body.
However, since you can pull and push the handles, an elliptical allows you to work on part of your upper body, unlike the treadmill.
To work on your core, even more, you can use it hands-free.
Elliptical: Pros
- Targets both the upper and lower body, giving you a full workout.
- Ideal for active recovery or low impact workout
- You can move backward, thus isolating the glutes and hamstring
- Excellent for interval training and HIIT workouts
- Ideal for losing weight
Elliptical: Cons
- It does not train functional movement
- It does not strengthen the muscles as much compared to the treadmill
- Not many ellipticals come with an incline adjustment feature
- It does not track mileage accurately.
When Should You Use the Elliptical?
This cardio machine is a great low-impact cardio solution for achy or overtrained joints.
It is not much of a weight-bearing workout compared to running, and so, if you want a break from high impact workouts, this device proves to be an excellent alternative.
Treadmill vs. Elliptical – Which Helps Reduce Fat?
When it comes to burning spot fat, neither of these machines can give substantial results. Also, your diet accounts for over 80% of your results, something to consider.
The elliptical is a low-impact workout machine that goes easy on your joints but burns fewer calories compared to the treadmill.
Both devices are excellent for a home gym, and as long as you stick to your workout and diet regime, they will eventually help melt away that belly fat.
For information regarding making the right purchase and proper assembly of these machines in Louisiana, get in touch with Fitness Expo Stores.