

Original price was: $3,799.00.Current price is: $2,799.00.

The CVC800 Vertical Climber combines a natural 12” arched stepping action and narrow 2” pedal spacing (Q-Factor) with an effective upper body workout in a compact space saving design. It is a fantastic way to get a heart-healthy, total body workout. With 6 programs, 20 levels of resistance, multiple hand grip positions, users of all types can customize their workout to their fitness level.


Console: 5” x 3” blue backlit LCD, Bluetooth FTMS (connects to fitness apps), phone/tablet holder
Programs: manual, cardio, hill, strength, fat burn, HIIT
Heart Rate: Bluetooth compatible (chest strap sold separately)
Stride Length: 12″ arched step
Resistance: 20 levels
Power: 120 volt; 15-amp circuit recommended
Flywheel System: 23 lb
Pedals: 8.4” wide x 16.5” long, oversized and padded with 2-degree inversion
Storage: phone/tablet holder
Frame: heavy-gauge high-strength steel with durable powder-coat paint
Dimensions: 58.7” L x 27.6” W x 84.3” H
Product Weight: 221 lb
Max User Weight: 400 lb