5 Essential Workout Routines To Lose Belly Fat & No, It’s Not All About AB Exercises

5 Essential Workout Routines To Lose Belly Fat & No, It’s Not All About AB Exercises

Almost everybody who wants to lose weight are targeting their belly fat. Whether or not they want to gain a six-pack or simply lose the excess belly fat, there are many benefits to getting a toned belly. The good news is that there are many exercises that you can do. And no, it’s not all about crunches and other ab workouts you’re familiar with.

Here we have listed some of the effective exercises that you can do whether at home or at the gym from the experts:  

Run on an incline

According to studies, running at an incline can increase total calorie burn by 50% compared to running on a flat surface. When doing this, start with walking for five to ten minutes before you start jogging. Maintain the jog for five to ten minutes before you start running. It’s not necessary to run like you’re in a competition but it should be in a way that you wouldn’t be able to hold a conversation with someone running next to you.

The best way to do this is to alternate between five to ten minutes of jogging with five to ten minutes of running for 30-45 minutes. This is also a great cardio exercise before you begin your workout routine.

If you are near or live in an uphill neighborhood, then you won’t have any problems with this. However, it’s always nice to have a treadmill at home that you can set to incline whenever you want to. Try the BH Fitness S7TI Treadmill that allows up to 12% incline and also comes with 15 built-in programs to make your workout more productive and entertaining.

Take advantage of the row machine

Thanks to rowing machines today, you don’t need to have an access to water just to be able to do this fat-blasting workout. One of the best workout routines and equipment is rowing and the use of a rowing machine. It gets your heart rate up and this helps you burn the calories and the fat, at the same time, it also works on other parts of your body — legs, core, arms, shoulders, and back.

This is perfect for beginners and pros. The best way to do this is to start with 20 seconds of rowing and then follow it up with ten seconds of rest. When you’re resting, make sure not to let go of the handle. Do this routine for eight times and try to beat your distance every time. When you’re done with this, row a fast 500 metres and make sure you take note of how long it takes you because that will be the number you are going to need to beat on your next rowing session.

The gym has rowing machines that you can use. If you’re not enrolled at the gym, consider getting yourself one.The Life Fitness Row GX Trainer is one of the best rowers available in the market today.

Add HIIT to your workout routine

HIIT stands for High-Intensity Interval Training, which is proven to be more effective than your steady cardio sessions when it comes to burning fat. To ensure that you are burning all the fats every workout session, you are going to need varied, intense workouts that involves short intervals.

Do intervals that alternate between exercises that work different muscle groups. For example, after your 10-minute warm up, spend 30 seconds doing as many reps as possible of push-ups, squats, single-arm rows, etc. This will help certain muscles recover while you work others thus taking your workout to a more intense level.

Take advantage of the BOSU ball

Your cardio workout is very crucial to burning the belly fat, but of course, you’re going to need to do some abs exercises as well. Holding a plank on a BOSU ball is one of the most effective ab workout routines. It is very challenging than your normal plank because this ball tests your balance.

Through this, you strengthen your core muscles as well that will help in increasing metabolism. This will help you burn MORE calories and fat in the long run. Try the Spri Bosu Balance Trainer for this.

Lift heavier weights

It’s time to pick up heavier weights to lose belly fat and cut down on rest time between reps. Heavier lifting will give you more of the afterburn effect where you body continues to burn more calories even after you’re done with your workout.

There are many weights available at the gym at Fitness Expo stores. However, before you actually try to lift heavier ones, make sure that you have done enough workouts using lighter weights.

Getting rid of that belly fat isn’t just about doing sit-ups, crunches, and other ab workouts. Of course, they are part of it but still, cardio exercises and other workouts are still vital to ensure that you lose that belly fat in a much faster time.

Follow these steps and start shedding more fat!